>> Timetable
Tutorials will be scheduled on October 8th, 2006, prior to the main conference.
They would provide delegates with a greater depth of understanding into a particular area of systems biology, providing hands-on experience. Each tutorial is approx. 3 hrs in length, unless specified.
>> Check for the detail descriptions of the tutorials.
Program & Schedule
AM (9:30-12:30) |
PM(14:00-17:00) |
T2:Structural and functional analysis of signaling networks Steffen Klamt, Julio Saez-Rodriguez (Max Planck Institute Magdeburg, Germany) |
T4:Tutorial on the Systems Biology Toolbox for MATLAB Henning Schmidt (Fraunhofer Chalmers Research Centre) |
T1:Engineering design principles for biologists Kyaw Tun, (Univ.Singapore), Arun Krishnan (Keio Univ.), Pawan K Dhar (RIKEN GSC) |
T5:Pathway Modeling with Teranode XDA Mike Kellen (Teranode) |
T3:New Mathematical Methods for Systems Biology Eric Mjolsness (UC Irvine) |
T12:The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Level 2 Version 2 Michael Hucka (Caltech) |
T6:Analyzing Biochemical Systems using the E-Cell System Satya Arjunan (Keio University) |
T7:Computational Cell Biology with the Virtual Cell Ion I. Moraru and James C. Schaff (University of Connecticut Health Center) |
T10:CellDesigner Akira Funahashi (The Systems Biology Institute/JST) |
T8:Modeling, simulating, and analyzing biochemical systems with Copasi Pedro Mendes (Virginia Bioinformatics Institute) |
T11:Application of Experimental Design and Model Selection to Signal Transduction Pathway Modeling |
How to register
Please contact the Tutorial organizers directly.